Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Here's to Happiness.

Have you ever made a "happy list?" You know a list of all the things that make you... well
HAPPY! I have seen these on a few blogs and got to thinking about what truly makes me happy. And here is what I came up with...

1- Cupcakes- any kind, anywhere, any time
2- The smell of fresh rain and kissing in it :)
3- Feeling HIM kick
4- drinking coffee on my porch
5- making my niece and nephews giggle
6- A clean house
7-sleeping in on weekends with the hubs
8- getting packages in the mail
9-camping with family and friends
10-How fast my puppy Mia runs to see me when I get home

What makes you HAPPY? I'd love to hear all your happy lists- I dare ya! :)


Cory and Lacey Jo said...

Good idea Taya!! That picture is awesome by the way. Hope all is well.

Reed & Melinda Family said...

that is such an awesome pic! very cute!!!!