And this is our story...
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
There's a Reason...
Graysen Wayne Boylan- born @ 3:33 pm- 6 pounds 7 oz 19 inches long
We don't know what we ever did without him.
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Weeeekend :)
The weather was perfect... Happy Spring!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Here's to Happiness.

Friday, April 9, 2010
Spring has Sprung!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Just in case...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I think I'm in love...
- christmas cadbury eggs ( ya I know it's only November 4)
- shopping on etsy... love, love, love!!
- surprise date nights with the hubby (he's been surprising me a lot lately)
- working on the house and making it our home
- Christmas Shopping
- the fact that Tomorrow @ 5pm I'll be on my way to wonderful Park City to spend the
weekend with 2 of the most amazing girls I know..CAN.NOT.WAIT!
Ya... life is good! xoxo
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Us in Mile High City
Bowling @ Lucky Strike Lanes... Justin won.. Of course!! And Sam lost...
we teased him about it all weekend! You'll get 'em next time! ha..ha...
On Saturday we met up with one of my besties Maurie and her husband Jordan. We all went out to Dave and Busters.. It's like an arcade for adults ;) we had a lot of fun playing games and eating yummy food ;)
Then Sunday was GAME TIME!!! I have to give Denver it's props on the stadium cause it was insane. And their fans are outta control. It was a riot and we really had a good time other than Dallas lost. BOO Broncos!!! And this is is the second Dallas game we've been to and this is the 2nd loss we've witnessed LIVE(both away from home). So we decided next time we go... we're going to see them play on their own turf!! (Texas 2010?? Maybe ;)!!)
Friday, September 4, 2009
Fallin' for Fall
I can't wait for the leaves to change color,
the air to turn crisp,
and must we not forget HALLOWEEN!!
Fall is fantastic and I can't freakin' wait... sigh!
What do you love about FALL or do you not love it at all?!?
Happy Friday Everyone...
Hope it's nothing less than lovely ;)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
This little guy turned 3!! Whoo-Hoo Andy! Ya don't even worry, that's a Marshmallow gun and you better watch it :)
Ahh... Life is Good! :)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Goodbye for Now!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
10 things you probably didn't know about Me!
1- I am addicted to Bubblegum. But here is the weird thing.. I only chew it for about 2 minutes until the flavor is gone and then I spit it out and pop in another piece.. I think I could chew 40 pieces a day if I let myself. :)
2-I cheated on every boyfriend I ever had.. except for Justin. Horrible and mean I know. But, I guess that's how I knew Justin was the one.
3-I love going shopping by MYSELF. Weird, I'll admit!! But then you don't have to deal with going into stores you don't want to, worrying about finding the same thing as your friend and then trying to figure out who gets to buy it etc; I'd rather just not deal with the headache.
4-I am a very opinionated and out-spoken person. I HATE people that are fake to your face and are not themselves. Just be who YOU are and live YOUR life. That's all :)
5-I secretly wish I was a BROADWAY star. I sing around the house, in the shower, in the car... you name it. And no.. It's not TOP 40 that I'm belting out.. It's showtunes baby. Justin thinks I am crazy.
6- I never pictured myself ending up in Sanpete, marrying a COUNTRY boy at the age of 20 who is obsessed with DERBY cars and his idea of dressing up is a T-shirt and his Dallas hat! But... I am SOOOOO happy that I did.
7-I am kind of with Lindsay on this one.. I am addicted to sweets! Justin tells me he doesn't know how one person can consume so much sugar... Some days I don't even think anything remotely nutritious makes it into my mouth.. Im too busy stuffing it with chocolate, licorice, Ice cream.. you name it.. I've usually had it within the last 24 hours.
8- I had a small trace of cervical cancer, went to the doctor a million times, got rid of it, been fine ever since!! :)
9- Somedays I wish my adorable 4 year old niece was mine.. and other days I'm glad she's not.
10- Last but not least... the reason I don't blog very much is because this post took me about 45 minutes and there wasn't even any pictures involved! I'm so slow at this and I guess a little lazy!!
Now I tag: Nicky, Nikki, Amanda Hall, Maurie, Julie and anyone else that hasn't been tagged. This makes for some interesting reading xoxo- Taya-
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tagged- The letter H!
3-Hamburgers-with cheese he.hee :)
5-Hot weather
6-Hip-Hop music
8-Hot Dogs
10-Hilary Clinton
Well there ya have it! Now I tag Nicky with the letter L and Amanda Hall with the letter D! Good Luck :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Let's Play Catch Up!!!
Ster and Amy rolling off for Most Wins!
Justin and Me just being our goofy selves. We look forward to reading about what you have all been up to. xoxo Justin and Taya :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Jazz Game
Here is a little Game action for ya!!
Mmmmmm... Dippin' Dots! The best part of going to the Jazz Game if you ask me :)
Me and Justin.. In his Dallas hat of course!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Mama!!!
Ya.. that's my mama with her crazy sister Lorie.. Those two together= Good Times ALWAYS
Me and my mom just being goofs.. I hope I am that cool when I'm that age :-)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
My turn for Boncos!
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! Tod had last bonco, Amy had most losses, Mandi got most wins after an intense roll off with Cathy, and Justin won most Boncos! Now thats my babe :)
Me and Laci putting our rollin' skills to the test. Love this girl Oh so Much!